The global diary market is valued at 827.4 billion US dollars and projected to grow to about 1128 billion USD in four years time, 2026. (Statistica)
Nigeria, a country of over 200 million people and, having more cattle than many European countries, should be getting a large cut of this market but unfortunately,it’s not the case.
The real situation is totally different here and is a very distressing tale of woes.
Instead of helping the citizens and boosting the economy,the same cows that have become the bedrock of some economies and among the highest income earners for some countries is like a curse to Nigeria,taking thousands of lives and plunging people into poverty and misery.
Let us have a look at how well other countries are doing with the ”few” cows they have, and how their lives have been greatly improved because of this livestock business.
We will then look at Nigeria and what is happening to us. I hope that the reader will be able to draw a conclusion and make a decision that ,if collated in their millions ,will definitely shift this country from this edge of the precipice to the field of prosperity and peace.
Netherlands (Holland) has 1.6million Cows, Produces/exports 12 billion Liters of milk; 800,000 tons of Cheese;18,000 dairy farms,27 processing companies and 47,000 jobs; $7.89billion in export revenue.
In the Netherlands ,there are No death
No kidnapping
No killing of farmers
No invasion or land grabbing by the so called Fulani herdsmen.
They are simply doing this and making a huge sum from exports and enough for their local population.
The small state of Israel has 100,000 Cows; they produce 1.6billion liters of milk; 62,000 tons of cheese.
Remember that, apart from being big in the dairy industry,Israel also ranks high in science and technology research,spending 4.3% of her GDP on civil research and development in 2015.
Israel has enough milk and diary products for its population and for export.
South Africa has 14 million Cows; produces 1 billion liters of milk, 82,000 tons of cheese, 40,000 jobs;
Export of 60,000 tons of Halal Compliant beef to middle east; $ 1 billion in export revenue
No bandits
No killings of farmers
No kidnappers
No ‘water resources bill”
No invasion of farms and forest reserves by herders etc.

The tiny land locked east African country has about 1.3 million cows and produces 185 million liters of milk per year.
No destroying of crops, no killings, no issuing of ultimatums, no raping and kidnapping because of cows
Uncountable jobs provided by same cows that destroy jobs in Nigeria.
In Rwanda, there’s a program of “One Cow per family” known as ‘Girinka” which they use as poverty alleviation policy by the Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB).
The Rwandan government set up a program aimed at cutting poverty and improving health and nutrition in rural areas. The idea was simple: given a cow, a poor family suddenly has milk to drink and manure with which to fertilize crops. Today more than 130,000 cows have been distributed through the program. (
Every child in Rwanda knows the taste of fresh milk because it is not really a luxury in that country,unlike in Nigeria where only a few Nigerian children may have ever tasted fresh milk.
Some Nigerian adults ave never tasted fresh milk in their lives.
This country has about 19 million cows but Nigerians import over $1.5billion worth of dairy products.
Read that again.
No specific data on jobs created.
Thousands of lives lost in herders invasion of farm lands.
Terrorists/Kidnappers disguise as herdsmen to kill and maim under open grazing.
Invasion of community land and community forests
Impunity ,destruction and death.
IDPs springing all over the country especially in the north because of an animal that is a huge blessing to other countries but a curse to us due to bad leadership.
Please review the above facts and make your own deductions.
It is only mad people, who live in mad jungles that would still be debating, justifying , tolerating or condoning the madness going on in Nigeria in the name of open grazing.
It is only devils and madmen that will stray into people’s farms and land to lay claim to it and the sleazy clowns in the media will term it Herders -Farmers Clash.
It is only madmen that will still be engaged in discussion years after, whether to condone such brazen and open madness or not .

Just to remind us that the “PEAK MILK” we all like to take in Nigeria is a product of Netherlands and imported from there. The same peak that has become a sign of “big man” in Nigeria comes from a country that has less cows and a far smaller landmass than Nigeria.
Their own cows provide jobs and nourishment for citizens, Nigerian cows kill citizens and take away their jobs
We have more cows than them but very corrupt foolish leaders who do not know how to create jobs or what to do with the vast natural resources that Nigeria has.
The USA has about 94 million cows, which translates to about one cow to three people.
These cows don’t roam the streets, they’re all ranched and provide jobs for millions of Americans.
The diary industry in America provides 3 million jobs.
They know the importance of their cattle and the need to keep on expanding and improving on them.
Building a vibrant economy, moving this country from “consumption to production” isn’t rocket science.
It’s as easy and as simple as H E Mr Peter Obi usually says it because it doesn’t require what we don’t already have.
Everything we need to start living as humans again are here but, we only need a leader who has the boldness and the knowledge to make them happen.
These are all issues that we need to discuss in NIGERIA :
Read these two articles, check the dates of the events and make your own deductions
And this too
According to Baron Roy, we either restructure or Burst
The USA has about 94 million cows, which translates to about one cow to three people.
These cows don’t roam the streets, they’re all ranched and provide jobs for millions of Americans.
The diary industry in America provides 3 million jobs.
They know the importance of their cattle and the need to keep on expanding and improving on them.
Building a vibrant economy, moving this country from “consumption to production” isn’t rocket science.
It’s as easy and as simple as H E Mr Peter Obi usually says it because it doesn’t require what we don’t already have.
Everything we need to start living as humans again are here but, we only need a leader who has the boldness and the knowledge to make them happen.
These are all issues that we need to discuss in NIGERIA . And they need to be discussed urgently.
This article was originally written by Nnaemeka Obiaraeri but edited and reproduced with permission by Cannon Post
The articles below will help you to get further information about the milk and dairy market in Nigeria
And this too